* As a Lehigh fan, I'd like a better offense for the 2010 season. Sure, there were flashes of what was possible in 2009, but I really don't want to sit through another home shutout anytime soon if that's OK with everybody.
* Maybe part of that wish above might involve Lehigh hiring a quarterbacks coach, Santa, to help the quarterbacks with mechanics and the like. I know university athletic departments aren't exactly teeming with money right now, but what about inviting a local guy that cares about the program, like former QB Phil Stambaugh, to work with them sometime? This isn't just for next year, either: this would pay off for the next generation of Lehigh quarterback, too.
* While I'm wishing, Santa, I could use some Saints playoff tickets. And some round-trip tickets and accomodations to New Orleans for me and my family, too, while we're at it.
* I wish for the players at Northeastern and Hofstra to land on their feet and get the opportunity to play and coach again if they desire. It was not fair what happened to those kids, and there were some good coaches that lost their job through no fault of their own.
* I wish college presidents at the FCS level stop the dangerous fiction that FCS football is a for-profit enterprise that balances the books for the rest of athletics. That certainly isn't true in the Patriot League, and in no college in the Northeast. Admit that there is value to having a football team on your campus. It may not make sense, and it may not be fair, but it's the way it is.
* Is this the part of the blog posting where I wish Satnta for world peace, completely renewable energy for all, and for the ability to forgive? It must be.
* I wish the Patriot League presidents would sit down and take a look at their football programs, and see in their hearts that the ability to offer football scholarships - even in just a limited way, by, say, twenty full scholarships and the rest need-limited aid - would allow the Patriot League to compete in the marketplace of scholar-athletes in a new way. Keep the academic index and the strong academic requirements for Patriot League football players - but just having some scholarships available would make such a massive difference in recruiting and allow Patriot League schools to get more scholar-athletes.
* And finally, Santa, are there any other extra tickets for the 2010 World Cup in your sack? The USA vs. England match, the "Tea Party" game, perhaps?