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Showing posts from August 14, 2005

Mountain Hawks start two-a-days; TV schedule; Delaware allotment sold out

Two intriguing releases on Lehigh's web site today, and some information on Lehigh's broadcast schedule: Mountain Hawks start two-a-days Allotment for Delaware sold out Lehigh Announces Broadcast Schedule Worthy of reprinting here: Following the teamā€™s first evening practice of the preseason, fifth year head coach Pete Lembo said he was pleased with the teamā€™s effort to this point. ā€œI am pleased, but not surprised, with the physical condition of our team at this point,ā€ Lembo explained. ā€œWith almost two-thirds of the group spending at least part of their summer here in Bethlehem, we had a good idea of their commitment level and intensity of training before they officially reported on August 9th. Several players, including some of our linemen, made solid gains in the bench, squat, vertical jump and standing broad jump over the summer.ā€ While many of the veterans stuck around over the summer to stay in shape and improve their strength, Lembo points out that several of the teamā€™s ...

More Good Adam Bergen Stuff

I know it's late, but from today's camp notes on Arizona Cardinals official website, this begs reposting here: Tight End Race The Cardinals lack experience at the tight end position this season, but rookie free agent Adam Bergen has stood out throughout training camp. Bergen started for the injured Eric Edwards in the Cardinals first preseason game last weekend and was the only Cardinal tight end to catch a pass in the game. ā€œI think Adam has started to separate himself from a receiving standpoint and has really looked good," said Warner. "When Eric went down he got some more opportunities and really has emerged as a guy that we think can be really successful for us and do some things from that position for us, from a receiving standpoint.ā€ Sweet music. NFL veteran Kurt Warner singing his praises? You've got to believe that he has a really really good chance to stick now. I know it's early in the preseason, and stuff happens, but this is really positive...

Spring Practice Opens; Bergen Shines

It's been a week, and there is absolutely no excuse for my not posting in this space. Yes, I have been busy with my Top 20 countdown of I-AA fans , but that's no excuse for not feeding your hunger for Lehigh football. Can you believe that Lehigh's opening day vs. Monmouth is only 16 short days away? And just across the way from the media circus that is Eagles training camp, Lehigh is conducting its one-a-day and two-a-day practices. Lehigh has been practicing for more than a week now - they opened camp last Wednesday. If you want to pop your head into practice (they are free and open to the public), you can click on this link to find out the schedule. This coming Satuday at 1:45 will see Lehigh practicing in Murray Goodman - if the weather holds up, that should be a great day to attend practice. (If I wasn't going to be out of town this weekend, I would seriously consider going.) Soon I will have a listing of what questions need answering in this training camp. ...