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Showing posts from August 26, 2007

Five Things For Lehigh Fans To Do This Weekend

Oh, yeah. I know all of you out there are worried you're going to be like this guy this weekend with no Lehigh football game to watch. Worse, you might get stuck doing chores around the house, or possibly getting conned into going to the movie theater to catch I Know Who Killed Me . Fear not, though: you've come to the right place. I've come up with five things to do on this Labor Day weekend instead of laboring about what you're going to do with this weekend without football. 5. It's the last free Saturday you're going to have until December 28th; may as well get some Brownie Points with your significant other and get that nagging project done or go do that thing that they want to do this weekend. (Believe me, you'll be thanking me when Thanksgiving weekend you're faced with convincing them to take an impromptu road trip to Furman, SC.) 4. If you have ESPN 360, Villanova will be playing Maryland live on your computer on 6PM Saturday. Time to do...

CSN Patriot League Preview Released

It's finally out: the College Sporting News Magazine's Patriot League preview . It includes a full preview of every team in the league, three lengthy articles, and basically should do quite a bit towards getting you pumped through this labor day weekend for the opener versus Villanova (only ten days away!). Of course I invite you to read the entire preview (and not just the Patriot League part of it), but to tease you here's my predicted order of finish: Holy Cross Lehigh Lafayette Bucknell Colgate Fordham Georgetown Here's the five questions I'm imagining you're asking about this. For God's Sakes man, why Holy Cross at #1? First of all, never underestimate the value of an offense returning nearly all the pieces from last year. They had a great year last year, and most likely will only get better this year with junior QB Dominic Randolph and senior WR Ryan Maher. Defensively they are more of an X-factor, but they do have one of the best defensive backs...

Patriot League Picks, Week One

Since we're all sitting here waiting for the Lehigh football season to start (and waiting for my Patriot League part of the FCS Preview to come out), I though I'd post my picks for Week One of the Patriot League Season. Some of these are cross-posted in my FCS Way column for Week One , but I intend to add any extra "Fearless Patriot League Picks" to the blog every week as well for fun. To explain how I do picks, I quote my College Sporting News column this week: Know one thing about my football picks: some folks are scientific, some folks try to analyze punting statistics, and yet others try to make people feel good about their teams by picking ā€œmoral victoriesā€ or close games. Thatā€™s not how I operate. If I see a 70-0 blowout, I will call it a 70-0 blowout. Thatā€™s why I call my games ā€œFearless Picksā€. Disagree with me if you must, but there is no fear in these picks. The other part of my schtick involves the nicknames at the end when I pick the scores of the g...

Lehigh Media Day Roundup

This Saturday, Lehigh hosted their annual media day to celebrate the close of summer practice. As for me, I'm spending this sticky Sunday night going over the amazing array of different content that has been generated by this day (which includes this picture to my left). Let's start with the report on the Lehigh official website , followed closely by reports from the Allentown Morning Call about senior C John Reese , Lehigh's many local connections , and Express-Times piece on the many injuries in camp , and you can't forget Keith Groller's latest blog posting involving senior QB Sedale Threatt . (Did I also forget the loads of new podcasts on Lehigh's iTunes store , including two videos?) The mash-up at the end of this posting should shed a nice, digested light on all this content. Probably the most important piece of information to come out of this barrage of news is that junior RB Matt McGowan 's ACL injury appears to be "less serious than origin...