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Showing posts from December 28, 2008

Sweeping Up Before 2008 Comes to a Close

This blog posting is basically a hodge-podge of different things I wanted to mention before 2008 comes to a close. My YouTube highlight film of Lehigh/Lafayette is still in the process of getting done (I forgot how much of a pain in the you-know-what it is to go through game film to make a ten-minute highlight reel), as is my announcement about the LFN "Hawks of the Year" (which, if I ever can get the hang of it, will have YouTube support as well). But those, alas, will have to wait until 2009 to be complete. I've archived pretty much all of the Lehigh game wrap-ups for 2008 from the mainstream media on the CSN Log , before it's gone to the dusty archives of the Easton Express-Times and Allentown Morning Call . I've also been archiving much of the press clippings from the rest of the Patriot League, Richmond, and other schools. It's a big job - and I'm working to make it less so. I also recently helped pick the College Sporting News Fab 50, as well as...

Snow Can't Stop Lehigh Basketball (And Wresting)

When I heard that the temperate Pacific Northwest was getting hit by snow from my grandmother, I knew that the Lehigh men's basketball game versus Washington may have been in trouble. And while this picture of a snowman next to Seattle's space needle isn't necessarily a sign of the Apocalypse (though I'm still debating if the course of events that put the Eagles are in the NFL playoffs - a historic blowout of the Cowboys, alongside wins by the Texans and Raiders - the Raiders , fer Crissakes! - may very well be), it was enough to show that the Washington game would be postponed officially - and most likely cancelled. It's worth mentioning, from the official release, what the men's basketball team went through: 8:00 AM ā€“ Team departs Taylor Gym for New Jersey to play Monmouth 3:03 PM ā€“ Lehigh defeats Monmouth, 80-71 4:00 PM ā€“ Team departs Boylan Gymnasium for Newark/Liberty Intā€™l Airport 5:00 PM ā€“ Team arrives at EWR 6:40 PM ā€“ Finish checking in for flight 7:15...