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Showing posts from August 10, 2008

Practice Update: Lehigh Straps on the Pads

Lehigh just released an interesting report on their official website regarding Lehigh's progress during preseason practice, and I can say this: it didn't look like that when I showed up at practice the other day. After getting permission to see practice from the athletics department this past Sunday I was in the area for Eagles practice and stopped to also see the Brown & White later that afternoon. The practice was already pulled into Rausch field house at that time since it had hailed just about an hour earlier in the Valley. I took great pains to stay out of the way, and see exactly what was up. Since it was a split squad match (and I only saw the one of them), no real conclusions can be drawn. I did see sophomore RB Jaren Walker sporting his new #8 jersey as Lehigh go through some physical drills in "shells" (to the uninitiated, in helmets and about half the number of pads as normal). The only real "news' I can offer from the practice was the pre...

Season Ticket and Tailgate Information

As August charges full speed towards the fall and football season, an important question needs to be asked: have you got your season tickets and tailgate plans in order yet? Season tickets (I believe) are still available, as are individual tickets , though I don't think buying a season ticket guarantees you tickets to "The Rivalry" at this point. If you're a student, your big chance to get tickets starts on September 1st - and I'd suggest jumping on them since "The Rivalry" sells out very early. Undoubtedly some of you have some sort of rig similar to the one on the left (the picture is missing, of course, the fully stocked bar). If so, you're prepared for any upcoming tailgate at home or away, and I congratulate you. (Of course, if you still need some tailgating gear, I'd encourage you to go to the LFN Tailgate store to maybe get that extra grill cover you might have forgotten.) For those of you (like me) who might not have invested in Exxon...

Q & A with... Lehigh RB Matt McGowan

Continuing my series of interviews I did for Patriot League media day, we continue with senior RB Matt McGowan , the Mountain Hawk running back that looks to be doing some inside running now that he's (finally) healthy. LFN: Tell me a little about your background. MMG: I played at Hazelton Area high school which is about an hour away from Bethlehem, had a pretty good high school career, chose to attend the University of Richmond on full scholarship. LFN: Why did you choose to transfer? MMG: It really didnā€™t feel like a good fit when I was there, so I chose to transfer to Lehigh after my freshman year. I really wanted to be closer to friends and family ā€“ it was pretty far to go to Richmond, a seven hour drive as opposed to only being an hour away from home. I was recruited by Lehigh pretty heavily throughout my high school career with coach Lemboā€™s coaching staff before coach Coen was here, and I had good relationships with all of those coaches, so I always kept my mind open t...