In retrospect, Jim Tressel was just an actor. Just like Bill Cosby , or Randy "Macho Man" Savage - an actor, playing a part. Wrestlers, of course, create bigger than life personas inside the ring of simplistic good-or-evil characters, often designed to deflect, like an illusionist, the reality behind what people were seeing. That's the lot of the wrestler - and the actor. And Tressel - seen here, back in his days as a I-AA national championship winner with some of his dominating teams at Youngstown State - was no different from those who make their living making it seem like they're someone else. Whereas Macho Man wore crazy getups to make one doubt his sanity (in the ring), Tressel played the role of dad. A good, Christian dad, wearing suits and ties to games. Looking like a cross between Woody Hayes and Pat Riley . At once looking like a clean, quasi-militaristic vintage 1960's coach, exuding control. He looked almost too much like the part of...