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Showing posts from March 18, 2007


An important correction I need to make people aware of: unless an incoming recruit has *already enrolled* at Lehigh for the spring semester, they CANNOT be a part of spring drills with the team. I posted something yesterday that could lead one to believe that incoming freshman were invited to camp early, which is NOT the case. I've corrected it now and posting this as well to get the word out. Didn't mean to mislead anybody.

Is It Spring Football Time Already?

Could it already be that time of year? With ice still on the ground, grass still not even close to being ready, bulbs not close to being in bloom? Incredibly, it is. Tomorrow, spring practice starts for the 2007 Mountain Hawks . Every year it's the first peek at what we can hope for in the 2008 season, and (as always) it's the first time the hard-core fans can really start to speculate in earnest how good this football team can be. Except for the Brown/White game (which is free and open to the public) and the Youth Coaches Clinic on April 14th (where the Lehigh coaching staff offers a coaching clinic ($20) for folks who are interested in football coaching at any level), practices are closed and can only be attended if you have special permission from the athletic department. This year (weather permitting) I hopefully my family and I will be going to the Brown/White game - barring that, I may try to arrange to pop my head in on another practice. We'll see. The entire s...