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Showing posts from June 26, 2011

Deflating The Chronicle of Higher Ed's "Boom" in FCS Costs

(Graph Credit: Chronicle of Higher Ed) It's amazing to me how statistics are so frequently presented to attempt to "shock and awe" the viewer. Today, it's the Chronicle of Higher Ed's turn to mislead using statistics : If you havenā€™t seen it, you should check out Libby Sander and Andrea Fuller ā€™s piece this week highlighting the spending patterns in lesser-known Division I programs. The story found that nearly a third of the 125 athletic departments that compete just below the NCAAā€™s elite level increased their expenditures by more than 40 percent during a recent five-year period. Public universities, many of them grappling with overall financial cuts, had some of the fastest-growing athletic budgets. It sounds shocking - until you analyze the situation for, say, about five minutes.  (more)

Reality Shows, and the Power of School Loyalty

(Photo Credit: Food Network Star ) This summer, food writer Whitney Chen became a contestant on the reality-TV show "Food Network Star". And after four episodes, Ms. Chen is still alive in the competition - much to the delight of a nation of Lehigh alums. That's because Ms. Chen is a Lehigh alumna - and a graduate with a degree in industrial engineering, which is no mean feat at a school like Lehigh. Ms. Chen's quest for Food Network stardom reveals a side of Lehigh people that simply isn't present in folks who go to larger, less personal, schools.   (more)