In any event, this post was written to post an important question for Lehigh football fans: namely, who should be on our wish list this year in terms of recruits?
It's this time of year where the Lehigh coaching staff travels far and wide to secure commitments for new athletes to come into the program. And although I think the North Pole is a bit far out, maybe it would be worth at least a letter to Santa in regards to getting that stud player that will be a standout player in the class of 2012.
Last year's recruiting class was considered one of the better ones for Lehigh, and we'll need another to keep up with the rest of the league - and especially "that school in Easton".
(Hopefully everyone on the Lehigh coaching staff is on the "good" list.)
Here's what would be on my wish list:
- Two speedy defensive backs. You always need lots of speedsters in the secondary, but our defensive backfield, with the greatest number of graduating seniors, will need more replenishment this year than most years. Santa, could you give us a speedy three-year cover corner and a powerful hitting safety?
- Two big, talented "O" linemen. Like speedsters in the defensive backfield, every year you need lots of hogs for your "O" line, but with two all-League players graduating, Lehigh needs the extra depth. Santa, you were so good to us last year, getting us freshman OL William Rackley and freshman OL Ricky Clerge. Could you give us two more big run-blockers that can step in right away and challenge for spots?
- A Playmaker at WR. Santa, I don't think I'm being too greedy here, but last year we didn't have one wideout that really stood up week in and week out to become a go-to receiver. Santa, could you leave that Kody Fedorcha that we've been waiting for since 2001 under the tree?
- P Jason Leo's heir apparent. Junior P/K Jason Leo has been a revelation for us, no doubt: but next year he'll be a senior and we need a punter that will be the guy to carry us beyond 2008. That sounds like a good stocking-stuffer to me.
- Another QB in the mix. Looking over at "that school in Easton" shows the value of having enough quarterbacks. Could we get at least one more quarterback to be in the quarterback mix in the preseason?
How about a new OC -- offensive coordinator, one who has the guts to play aggressively like Tavani and as creatively as Cecchini